Not sure what to make of the EPA’s recent guidance on the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF), or how it could help your business? Our team created a guide to help anyone considering an application for funding or considering working with an applicant in the future.


The Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund is an unprecedented, market-forward program providing $27B in capital to non-profits, Tribes, municipalities and community-based organizations to spur investment in decarbonization projects, through three distinct funding opportunities:

  • The National Clean Investment Fund ($14B)
  • Solar for All ($7B)
  • Clean Communities Investment Accelerator ($6B)

You know as well as we do, that so many of the solutions for our decarbonized future exist in the market today, but upfront costs and limited access to capital are limiting scale. We hope this guide provides a valuable starting point to your understanding of the program. If you’re interested in customized guidance regarding an application for this funding or opportunities for your business to grow as a result of this funding, please contact us at

Download The Guide